Systemic solutions for national innovation system formation

In the article there is handled the problem of competence of the innovators from the position of system interdisciplinary mental capacity and systemic perception of innovations. In the innovation economy the ideas are the primary keys, and finance is the secondary item. Deficiency of the valuable ideas and productive authors of scientific discoveries, patents, know-how and technologies leads to inefficient budgetary financing. Inefficient managers don’t form the effective innovative system at all hierarchical levels. They don’t take the successful domestic and foreign experience, as it is called above ground for the competent managers. In order to increase the competence of managers in the sphere of innovative economy the authors suggest forming a new economic theory known as the system economy

Keywords: intellectual property, innovations, innovation system, thinking, mental capacity, competence, mechanism, business, state, systemacy, structure, economic theory, management, financing, interdisciplinarity, efficiency, economics


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