Formation of Interregional Far Eastern Innovation center: opportunities and constraints

Results. The work presents the evaluation of the Russian Far East businesses innovation activity, based on the statistics report analysis and weighted on average national data, considering which one can judge about innovation demand in the regional economy. Immanent objective factors that constraint expansion of the innovation demands in the Russian Far East economy are exposed. The paper shows that there is a favorable starting position for the building up of the territory of advance development ‘Russki Ostrov’ (with two functional directions: technoinnovation and tourist and recreational) within Vladivostok agglomeration. For the project to realize successfully Federal and Regional authorities should address more closely a number of factors that were reveled in the work by summing up foreign experience. Conclusions. Economics innovation development should be the part of the strategic directions and priorities strategy of each and every Russian territory. The principle of innovation priority for the southern territories of the Russian Far East should group with the principle of overseas demand focus. Economic-organizing mechanism built on these principles can use competitive advantage of the Russian Far East south in full. Interregional innovation center within the special territory of advanced development may become a vanguard of the mechanism

Keywords: innovational infrastructure, innovation demand, territory of advance development, region


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