Diversity regulation for industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and smart cities

Post-modern society sets the complex multi-facet intentional context of the search for harmonic combination between efficiency and humanity. The sociological and economic analysis of the efficiency is built on the basis of the human beings’ competences and motivation. The information and communication technologies (ICT) emphasize the efficiency of data management and of regulation of the information flows. The economic and management are concerning the regulation of the efficiency of business models and of «network» or «chain»’ schemes of the value creation. The diversity at the «end» of this chain, from the demand for customised products and services, requires the diversity at the «beginning» of this businessmodel, from the inventors and innovators until the controlling system inside the enterprise and outside it with the concerns of different stakeholders. The convergence of technologies and of human being lives should be subject for regulation to assure the sustainable development

Keywords: regulation mechanisms, diversity, knowledge transfer, governance, innovative infrastructure, artificial intelligence, post-modernity, information society


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