The new era of DIY: makers from fab labs

Modern digital technologies go beyond the boundaries of the virtual world and actively absorb the physical world of things and actions: bits become new atoms [1], and cyberphysical systems revolutionize production and consumption [2]. An innovative economy, whose main productive factor is human capital, is no longer based only on data i.e. intelligence, generated by traditional forms of research and development activities; for sustainable economic development, it is required to seek the reserves of efficiency in each human with the aim of capitalizing, first of all, his or her creative (design) potential. Along with this, more rational and economical patterns of consumption (sharing economy [3-5]) and production (circular economy [6]) are formed in the society, which requires the creation of a global network and platform infrastructure. The article analyzes the evolution of the «DIY — do it yourself» ideology and the role of modern makers as drivers of innovations in economic development. The processes of formation of the Fab Lab ecosystem as a global network of local centers of digital fabrication with the open access to high-tech equipment. Based on the world best practices presented by the pioneers of the Fab Lab movement at the «FABelgrade2016» conference in Serbia, the authors forecast promising directions for realizing the potential of the makers in science, education, industry, entrepreneurship and processes of sustainable development

Keywords: innovations, «industry 4.0», DIY, DIWO, DIT, digital fabrication, makers, design, STEM-education, Fab Lab, CMIT, entrepreneurship


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