This article examines the consequences of transition to the sixth techno-economic paradigm in relation to the provision of public services, the specifics of such transition of the information technology industry in St. Petersburg basing on the convergence of nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive technologies (NBIC) in the NBIC information space (ISNBIC). The periodization of regional information space evolution was performed, the key factors of transition to NBIC convergense were found. The necessity of transformation of the vector of information space development for the transition to NBIC information space was grounded. The improvement of management efficiency because of the NBIC information space transition has been determined. It is proved that transition to NBIC information space will allow to ensure the increase of public services conversion. It is showed that the corresponding structural transformations of this industry will entail an increase in the efficiency of managing the informatization processes in St. Petersburg
Keywords: informatization, convergent government, NBIC, information space, convergence, information systems
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