Functioning of business incubators at universities of Europe, Northern America and Asia

The aim of the study is to characterize the current state of development of business incubators at universities in the world for two purposes. The first one is that the results of this study help Russian universities to identify their positions relative to global practices. The second purpose is that general overview of innovation activity at universities of the world can support the shaping of a systematic approach in development of business incubators at local universities. The consequent objectives of the study are to review and identify the current stage of development, also to compare business incubators practices in three major regions of the world — Europe, North America and Asia. Conducting this research led to the following conclusions: so far the most advanced system of business incubators is presented in North America, however creating business incubators are more inclined to large universities with significant experience in research and this is true for all regions examined. Business incubators make insignificant contribution to the development of regional economy, but their impact on the level of small business quite notable and has a social character

Keywords: business-incubators; start-ups; innovations at universities; triple helix; universities’ start-ups; universities’ business-incubators


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