The concept of using explainable artificial intelligence to solve the problem of traffic distribution

Modern infocommunication networks are a set of a significant number of nodes and communication channels between them, which complicates the process of analyzing the characteristics of such networks. Analytical methods contain a large number of assumptions and cannot fully reflect all the nuances of maintenance procedures. Simulation allows you to take into account many components of maintenance procedures, but requires a lot of time and computing costs to assess the characteristics of real networks. Currently, there are machine learning methods that can be used to solve traffic distribution problems by evaluating service quality characteristics. The methods of explainable artificial intelligence allow us to obtain information about the most influential factors in order to use them further in solving the problem of traffic distribution. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop the concept of using explainable artificial intelligence to solve the problem of traffic distribution in an infocommunication network

Keywords: traffic distribution, quality of service, explainable artificial intelligence, infocommunications networks, time delay.


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