The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the 23 most popular and/or automated competency assessment platforms registered in the Russian
Register of Software. The purpose of the study is to identify the predominant characteristics of the functioning Russian automated competency assessment
systems based on the analysis and generalization of the data available and to determine the modernization potential of the Innopolis University automated
For the first time in the scientific field, the article presents the classification of automated competency assessment platforms.
The presented results indicate that more than half of the studied automated platforms are not able to assess the level of formation of competencies
as a whole, since they are focused only on identifying knowledge and cognitive skills, without affecting professional skills. As a result of the analysis
of automated competency assessment platforms, a number of their predominant characteristics are identified, which may be significant as part of the
development or modernization of such platforms. These characteristics include virtualization and simulation of real production processes; a step-by-step
evaluation process involving sequential performance of the theoretical part of the tests first and then of the practical part; comprehensive use of a variety
of assessment methods and tools.
The identified characteristics are taken as the basis for the modernization of the automated platform of Innopolis University and are recommended as
the crucial element in the development of automated competence assessment systems.
Keywords: automated system, assessment, competency, assessment methods and tools, certification.
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