The model of IoT technology in warehouse processes of a pharmaceutical company. Part 1

The article considers IoT technologies in warehouse processes of pharmaceutical company. The purpose of the paper is to present the stages of IoT technologies model implementation into warehouse processes of pharmaceutical product distributor. The pharmaceutical distributor is a link between producers and retail and wholesale pharmaceutical companies and hospital sector in supply chain of pharmaceutical goods, which is actually a pharmaceutical warehouse. The pharmaceutical warehouse is a specially equipped room aimed to store and process pharmaceutical goods, which corresponds to the regulated requirements. The article consists of two chapters. The first chapter of the paper shows pharmaceutical warehouse goods acceptance process modelling. The second part of the paper shows modelling of warehouse rooms temperature control. Results. The authors suggested stages of IoT technologies model implementation in study objects: temperature control sensors in warehouse rooms, which react on temperature change and signal to the warehouse control; temperature sensors in transport vehicles that control temperature inside and make a decision during acceptance process (in case of critical deviation); RFID tags, which are sensed and registered in WMS during acceptance process and when stored in cells goods send a signal to readers in rooms. Warehouse goods acceptance processes are described for a target model, the authors show solution architecture: an actual model (as it is) and the target model (as it has to be). To check and estimate implemented solutions the authors present simulation model of IoT technologies warehouse processes as simulated event processes in AnyLogic. Ishikawa diagram of model potential basic risks is built.

Keywords: IoT technologies, pharmaceutical warehouse, warehouse processes, warehouse processes modelling, pharmaceutical warehouse goods acceptance process modelling.



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