Digital transformation of higher education: components and conditions of functioning (on the example of Samara state university of economics)

The relevance of the article is due to the tasks of digitalization of education and orientation to the development of all types of digital activities of a university teacher and is determined by the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of digital transformation of society in general, and digital transformation of education in particular. The digital educational environment of the university, the digital competence of the teacher, information and communication technologies are the key components of the digital transformation of education. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the components and conditions of digital transformation of higher education. The article examines the state of digital transformation of education on the example of Samara State University of Economics and ways to improve it. The results of the work are as follows: a review and analysis of the state of the problem of digital transformation of education; analyzed the definitions and components of the digital educational environment and digital competence of the teacher, presented by various authors and groups of authors; formulated the author’s definition of the concept of digital competence of a university teacher; the advantages of information and communication technologies and ways to increase the level of formation of digital competence of university teachers are outlined; the experience of creating a digital educational environment of Samara State University of Economics is presented. The conclusion of the study: a teacher of a particular university can be /remain in demand during the digital transformation of education under the following conditions: the presence of a developed digital educational environment of the university, possession of modern information and communication technologies and an increase in the level of formation of their digital competence. The article may be useful for university teachers when carrying out activities in the context of digital transformation of education, as well as for administrators and specialists professionally engaged in the creation and functioning of the digital educational environment of learning institutions.

Keywords: digital transformation, digital transformation of education, digital educational environment, digital competence, university teacher, information and communication technologies.


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