Assessment of the development of the green economy in the regions of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the research of the most effective mechanisms for the implementation of the «green» economy in the subjects of the Russian Federation, depending on their position on the Kuznets curve. As part of the research, the hypothesis was tested: the international practice of «green» investment in the development of a «green» economy is most effective for the subjects of the Russian Federation located on the upward Kuznets curve. In order to test this hypothesis, the boundaries of the object of research of the «green» economy have been clarified on the basis of Net-work analysis expressed in determining the place of the «green» economy in economic science; the most promising measures of state support for the development of the «green» economy in Russia have also been identified based on the analysis of international practice. During the analysis of statistical data, the regions that showed the greatest ecological and economic success were identified, taking into account the effectiveness of invested funds in environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Based on the analysis of the international practice of green investment and the results of the analysis, the regions were identified, which the introduction of international practices of green investment will improve their environmental and economic success. The article may serve as a basis for the decision of the federal executive authorities on the allocation of budget allocations for the regions for the development of the green economy.

Keywords: green economy, gentrification, Kuznets ecological curve, green investments, ecological and economic effectiveness of region, region.


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