Seven levels and seven steps of the entrepreneurial track at the university

What needs to be done to make universities the birthplace of innovation, the birthplace of innovators capable of turning innovation into innovation. How to involve universities in transfer processes. There is a visible shortage of investment attractive projects in Russia. At the same time, a sufficient number of new projects, including those in the university environment, are supported by the Innovation Promotion Foundation (Bortnik Foundation) in the form of grants. But a very small part of the grants supported at the level goes to business and the real sector of the economy. This is a problem that is noted by most of the participants in the transfer processes, and this is the problem of lack of support for the transfer between the level of support for the design and creation of MVP to the level of interest from venture capital financing or from an operating enterprise. How to make a university entrepreneurial? What should the university administrations take to make the third university mission a reality? The article identifies seven steps — seven administrative decisions to create an entrepreneurial track at the university. Methods and tools for supporting the entrepreneurial track, creating a transfer ecosystem at the university, which effectively work inside and outside the perimeter of the university, have been identified

Keywords: entrepreneur, technology transfer, entrepreneurial university, entrepreneurial track, three mission university, transfer ecosystem, university venture fund — accelerator, endowment fund, innovation fund, innovation, social entrepreneurship, technology entrepreneurship, MVP, TRL.


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