Russian regions and resource abundance: applicability of quadruple helix concept

The article is devoted to identifying the conditions favorable for the application of the concept of the quadruple helix in the Russian regions abundant with natural and mineral resources. The quadruple helix is a tool for finding, discovering and using new competitive advantages. The successful functioning of the quadruple helix in the EU regions is due to the presence of a key institutional condition, i. e. consensus democracy, which contains developed elements of the classical political market, which presents all four helix actors as carriers of «comprehensive» interests. Institutional conditions prevailing in the Russian regions lead to the fact that the elements of the quadruple helix are transformed, and it turns into a tool for seeking rents. This is facilitated by the political and administrative market that has formed in Russia, which modifies the motivation of the quadruple helix actors and leads to the creation of a «quasi-helix of redistribution»

Keywords: Russian economy, resource abundance, competitive advantages, quadruple helix, institutional environment


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