Rules and estimating procedures of the risk-contributing factors of investment project development in the conditions of digitalization

In the context of the transformation and digitalization of the economy, much attention is paid to the activities of enterprises engaged in innovative and investment design. And more and more often it becomes necessary to use not only high-quality, but «effective» methods of risk assessment. The article examines the types of risks of innovative investment projects (IIP) and methods of their assessment, which are most often used in the context of the increasing uncertainty of the activities of innovative enterprises. The necessity and expediency of using information systems in assessing the risks of IIP is shown. Considered the issue of accounting for the influence of risk-forming factors in the formation of prices for an innovative investment project. It shown that in the formation of the value of IIP it is advisable to use it as a risk management strategy — their «acceptance»

Keywords: risk-contributing factors, risk assessment, innovative projects, investment design, innovative enterprises, integrated risk, software products


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