Regional innovation assessment toolkit: index method

The article opens a series of works aimed at improving the tools for analyzing and evaluating innovation activities in the regions of Russia. The article discusses one of the possible tools — the index method. The analysis uses information from the official website of Rosstat for 8 federal districts and 82 regions of the Russian Federation. The research uses the algorithm of the index method, which includes preparation of information, reduction of indicators to a dimensionless form, comparative and dynamic analysis of transformed indicators, calculation of generalized indices, comparative analysis of regions, analysis of statistical characteristics of the generalized index, and comparative analysis of federal districts. The data of the comparative analysis of the country's regions according to the normalized indicators are shown using petal diagrams. The dynamics of indicators of innovative development for individual subjects of the Russian Federation emphasizes the peculiarities of the regions. A comparative analysis of the generalized indices of Russian regions showed a general low level of innovative development of the country's regions. The dynamics of the statistical characteristics of the generalized index of innovative development showed that the average value of the generalized index for the total of the subjects of the Russian Federation is quite stable, while the differentiation of regions is clearly expressed, measured by the decile coefficient. A comparative analysis of the federal districts also revealed a strong differentiation in the levels of their innovative development

Keywords: innovation activity, region, index method, ranking of indicators, threshold values, comparative analysis


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