The method of quantitative assessment of the competitiveness of the grain

The development of the grain industry is unthinkable without the production of competitive grain. But today there are practically no technological solutions that ensure competitiveness, as well as methodological bases for assessing the competitiveness of grain products. In this context, the article reveals the methodology for quantifying the competitiveness of food grains based on complex criteria: quality, sales price and production costs. On the basis of their own longstanding production experiments, the influence of technology upgrading on the growth of quality and cost characteristics of grain was considered. A comparative analysis of the competitiveness of grain produced on the background of technological agroinnovations on an additive basis with grain-analogue by extensive technology, which is widespread throughout the country, was made. The assessment of competitiveness confirms the high functional importance of the diversification of additive technologies in increasing the integrated competitiveness of the produced grain, providing a competitive advantage to innovatively oriented agricultural producers in the grain segment of the food market. In the framework of the study revealed the need to develop technological innovations to improve the quality of grain and reduce costs, which is the basis of competitiveness and a factor in the growth of integrated consumer effect in modern market conditions

Keywords: quantitative assessment of competitiveness, technological agroinnovation, wheat, food grain, criteria of competitiveness, integrated use effect, grain market


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