Digital transformation as an important part of innovative development

The article discusses the relationship between the digital economy, innovation and economic development, and explores the benefits and problems of the digitalization for developing economies, including the Russian economy. Two sets of advantages are presented: the so-called advantages of the first and the second order. While the first order advantages are associated with direct, more visible benefits of access to and use of digital technologies by consumers, firms, and governments, the second order advantages are associated with less visible — but much more significant — benefits associated with the development, management, and distribution of digital technologies. The concept of digital commercialization is considered, the advantages and problems that emerging economies may face are identified. An overview of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation Program is given, and it is revealed that the program included elements that go beyond the traditional trade, such as electronic commerce, data flows, government procurement, and others

Keywords: digital economy, innovative development, commercialization, advantages of the first order, industry 4.0, national technology initiative


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