Innovations of city-forming enterprises in the manifestation of entrepreneurial activity in the Arctic (on the example of the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region)

The article discusses the role and importance of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of single-industry towns of the Arctic region. A new view on the phenomenon of entrepreneurial activity from the standpoint of large business is presented. It is revealed that the «Arctic» environmental factors that limit the entrepreneurial activity of the population in the region, create significant prospects for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity of large businesses. Large business is a growth reserve for entrepreneurial activity in the territory as a whole. It is proved that the potential for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity of large businesses for the development of a single industry city is not fully disclosed at present. It is proved that the factors constraining the realization of this potential are both in the internal and in the external environment of the city-forming enterprise

Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, intraentrepreneurship, outsourcing, franchising, single-industry municipality, Arctic


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