Program «Technology» as the basis of formation pupil’s key competencies in the way of choosing a future profession

The article presents a general educational program «Technology» developed by educational center «Kudrovo» together with Saint Petersburg electrotechnical university «LETI» (ETU «LETI») for pupils of 5 to 8 classes as an integrator of general and additional education and the basis for the formation of key competencies in the way of choosing the future profession. Compliance with the principle of interaction between general and additional education in the course of the implementation of the program «Technology» provides an opportunity for schoolchildren at an early stage of their development to obtain practical skills in the context of professions of various orientations. This ensures continuity of the transition of students from general to vocational education and work. The tool for the implementation of technological education is the special educational environment of educational center «Kudrovo» due to the presence of a technopark zone in it, the creation of which was carried out with the direct participation of ETU «LETI»

Keywords: school-technopark, program «Technology», project works, professional orientation, practice-oriented approach


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9. Natsionalnaya tekhnologicheskaya initsiativa. [National technology initiative.] (In Russ.) Available at

10. Transliruya opyt innovatsionnoy shkoly. [Broadcasting the experience of the innovative school.] (In Russ.) Available at:.

11. Uchebno-trenirovochnyye sbory JuniorSkills. [Junior Skills training camp] (In Russ.) Available at:.
