Institutional models of the university in socio-economic systems

As a rule, research papers on the analysis of the socioeconomic phenomena raise the question of choosing a model which closely matches the objectives of the study. Even if multiple models are used, they target individual aspects of the research object. This work is an attempt to offer a comprehensive institutional model to evaluate multifaceted activities of the modern university in the innovation systems. The authors address the question of an integrated model design which enhances a subset of agreed models of different types used for the analysis of the same object. Such a comprehensive model is represented by an institutional model that can be used to study the research and educational centers (clusters) as a whole entity as well as universities as institutions and as organizations at different levels of analysis. From a systems perspective, the model integrates submodels of composition and of structure with the elements attributed to specific levels and connections between the elements. The model highlights (1) the functions of the innovative environment and institutions in the innovation system; (2) university interactions in the knowledge flows; (3) a set of indicators for the characterization and analysis of processes in the regional innovation systems and within the universities. These models can be modified and quantitatively described by using an entire range of methods — from simple methods of statistical analysis to sophisticated econometric techniques

Keywords: university, model, institutional function, system approach, entrepreneurial university


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