Education. Science. Industry. Cases as a Resource for the Formation of Schoolchildren Conscious Choice of the Future Profession.

The article introduces a new approach to the vocational guidance of schoolchildren — practical cases that allow you to delve deeper into the game format, solving a specific task related to the directions of the faculty and strategic partners (industry) SPbETU, the essence of training in accordance with the specialization of the University. Today, non-standard approaches to work with schoolchildren are becoming one of the most effective resources for the practical implementation of such tasks as: improving the quality of profile education, the formation of conscious professional self-determination and self-realization of schoolchildren, vocational guidance and increasing their competitiveness through participation in design and research activities. During the practical immersion and acquaintance with education, science and industry, together with students and representatives of enterprisesstrategic partners of SPbETU, there is a natural process of facilitating the choice of this profession, which will become for the children both a favorite thing and a vocation

Keywords: education, science, industry, cases, profession, employers, practice-oriented approach


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