Innovative projects management in electric grid companies: the theoretical aspects

This article describes the transition conditions for power systems towards the use of distributed energy resources as well as the main development trends of Smart Grid cluster (intelligent power supply networks) and related innovative technologies. The implementation of Smart Grid projects is also considered from the perspective of eco-innovation: direct and indirect effects have been allocated, the problem of internalization of possible dual externalities has been described. Smart Grid have been analyzed from the theory of collective action perspective by the example of a pool of large-scale innovative projects of the largest network operator in the Netherlands called Alliander. The authors also mentioned the need to move from a transactional model of interaction among electric grid companies with suppliers to a model based on cooperation. Summing up, the authors highlighted features of innovative projects on Smart Grid implementation, as well as provided additional parameters, on which the assessment of innovative projects effectiveness in the electricity sector can be conducted

Keywords: innovative projects, eco-innovation, intelligent network, dual externalities, the theory of collective action


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