Improving the efficiency of practice-oriented science and technology clubs of creative development of students and pupils on the platform of universities: the cluster approach

The paper is dedicated to the development of scientific and methodological foundations of activity organization of practice-oriented science and technology clubs of creative development of students and pupils, which are a structural unit of the university or the community of enthusiasts, bringing together talented high school pupils and (or) the students of freshman year or sophomore year. The activity of such unit or community aims at promoting the creativity in the field of science and technology, engineering specialties and areas of training, improving the quality, efficiency and interdisciplinary of engineering education and the implementation of the concept of «social elevator» for talented youth in the field of engineering sciences. The author showed that the introduction of the principles of cluster organization of structures of additional education in the field of scientific and technical work on the platform of universities is the effective tool to improve their performance

Keywords: science and technology club, scientific and technical creativity, additional education, engineering education, cluster


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