The results of the scientific, technological and innovative development of the Russian economy in 2006-2016 years

This paper contains an analitical review of two guiding documents, establishing goals, policies and success criteria of scientific, technological and innovative development of Russia economics in 2006-2016, as well as draft document review related to years 2016-2035 [3-5]. It is pointed out, that as stated these documents, the declared goals are not reached, but documents do not explain why. This paper explains, that the main source of Russia increasing lag in scientific, technological and innovative development from industrial countries is the liberal financial economic model. Criterion of success in this model are the financial, but not technological achievements.

Keywords: corporation-industry, competitive ability, profit, employment, personal income, manufacturing production volume, research and development (R&D),common goal-setting, accountability, development institution, real economy, financial competitive ability


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