Researching the level and dynamic difference’s influence of the regions science-technical development on economics and life quality

The article is devoted to solving an actual and difficult problem of estimation of the science-technical factor’s influence on economic development and the life’s quality. Common criterial access to measuring of the region’s development of each of the object factors is generalized rate of the competitive attractiveness of the factors of economics, science-technical and life quantity. To estimate these cross-impact several original methodic are given, each of them can find out definite grade of cross-impact of the science-technical and the economic development and the life’s quality. The possibility of using of given methodical implements is underpinning by practical calculating the cross-impact of economical cohesions on statistical dates of Russian regions.

Keywords: the regions’ science-technical development, the economical development, the factor of the life’s quality, the region’s competitive attractiveness, the developing factor’s cross-impact.


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