Dependence of innovation strategies of Russian companies from the degree of technology intensity: structural and dynamic aspects

The paper aims at the analysis of innovation strategies (behavioral modes) of Russian manufacturing industry firms depending on the degree of technology intensity. The manufacturing industries are divided into high-technology, medium-high-technology, medium-low-technology and low-technology group according to OECD classification. For the purpose of revelation of prevailing strategies, the decomposition of innovation process into components is made. This approach made it possible to analyze structure and dynamic of firms’ behavioral mode changings and to identify main innovation stages. In addition, elementary processes specification gave the opportunity to determine a strategic choice of certain groups of companies during the considered time period. As a result, it is established that the maximum of innovation activity is observed at high- technology group of Russian enterprises. The decrease in degree of technology intensity leads to considerable falling of innovation activity. The exception is a group of low-technology companies. In the structure of innovation strategies the strategy of innovation creation prevails in the group of high-technology firms, the combination of creation and modification strategies is prevalent in medium- high technology group and the strategy of insignificant modification is uppermost in medium-low technology group. In the low-technology group all mentioned-above strategies are used.

Keywords: innovation, innovation strategy, paradigm, elementary process, innovation process, high-tech, low- tech

