Mechanism of development of the economy of the energy complex of small and medium-sized businesses of Cameroon based on bio-energy resources

Energy is the most important commodity, access to which in Cameroon is limited due to the scarce energy balance. In recent years, the pace of development of small and medium-sized businesses has begun to have a significant impact on the balance of consumption. Among them there are enterprises that generate waste from agriculture and the food industry and, in this case, we consider them as raw materials for the development of bioenergy. The definition of a specific scheme for the functioning of a decentralized power supply system of enterprises should be based on an objective criterion. The choice of this criterion involves a multifactorial analysis of the goals of the enterprise and the specifics of its functioning. The authors proposed 3 schemes of functioning of a decentralized power supply system. The study presents a methodology for determining a comprehensive criterion for assessing the level of energy security of the decentralized power supply system for small and medium-sized businesses in Cameroon using bioenergy resources. Based on the proposed methodology, a mechanism for the development of the economy of the energy complex of small and medium-sized businesses in Cameroon is being formed

Keywords: power supply, Cameroon, small and medium-sized enterprises, bio resources, biotechnologies, methodology, energy security.


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