Formulation of the problem of assessing the state of the urban environment of small and medium-sized historical cities of Russia (by the example of the Perm territory)

The relevance of studying the state of the urban environment of small and medium historical cities of Russia, and their impact on the comfort of living in them is an important task today. The world is experiencing a COVID-19 pandemic. Such conditions make it necessary to reassess the comfort of living in megacities, and evaluate the attractiveness of living in small and medium-sized cities. The accelerated development of digital technologies, mobility — lead to the fact that a person can work remotely, being anywhere. This is a chance to return residents to small towns from megacities, as well as reduce the outflow of residents from small towns. The process of assessing the state of the urban environment and in the future the formation of a comfortable environment for small historical towns will positively affect the investment attractiveness of the city and, as a result, the comfort of living in it, which will also attract the presence of highly qualified workers, and the development of domestic tourism, which was caused by limited external tourism in a pandemic.

Keywords: valuation, valuation methods, urban environment, real estate, small and medium-sized cities, historical cities, domestic tourism.


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