Universities National Technology Initiative as a tool for creating an effective science and knowledge-based economy in Russia

The authors presented a model of the new role of Russian universities as key participants in the National Technology Initiative (NTI) — a long-term state program, which aims to create conditions for ensuring the leadership of the Russian companies on the new high-tech markets, which will determine the structure of the world economy in the next 15-20 years. The authors conducted the analysis of the problem field of the national innovation system of the country, defined the key parameters of the modern model of the global science and the role of Russian science in it. It is concluded that the existing model of organization of Russian science is highly inefficient. The authors suggest the way of launching the centers of formation and service support of new markets on the basis of NTI universities. NTI universities are designed to become the head of the formation of an effective science and knowledge-based economy in Russia

Keywords: science model, the effectiveness of science, knowledge economy, the transformation of universities, national technology initiative, the development of talent


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