Comparative evaluation of Republic of Moldova’s competitiveness within the group of economies in transition

Among European countries which have completed the transition from planned to market economy, Moldova has enjoyed less success. Although it is working to support the creation and strengthening economic transition, the expected results are achieved slowly. Republic of Moldova has signed in June 2014 the Association Agreement with the European Union, in order to complete the transition period, to increase business competitiveness and populations’ quality of life and therefore to reduce development disparities compared to other countries in the region. The article below treats the main pillars of economic competitiveness of the country in comparison with other economies in transition, on the base of Global Competitiveness Report methodology

Keywords: competitiveness, transition economy, Moldova, doing business, investments


1. Law on investments in entrepreneurial activity: No. 81 of 18.03.2004, Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova. Nr. 64-66 on 23.04.2004.

2. Competition Law No. 183 of 2012, the Official Gazette of 14.09.2012 Nr. 193-197.

3. National Strategy for attracting investment and promoting exports from 2016 to 2020.

4. Competitiveness Assessment of Moldovan IT Services Industry, USAID, 2014.

5. M. Stoian. Gestiunea investitiilor, Editura ASE, Bucuresti, ISBN 973-594-054-X, 2002.

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7. The Global Competitiveness Report, ediţiile 2008-2015.

8. World Investment Report 2015, UNCTAD.

9. Doing Business, ediţiile 2008-2015.

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