Analysis of factors influencing the digitalization of banking services in Azerbaijan

The article examines the implications of digital transformation for the banking sector, specifically emphasizing the financial system of Azerbaijan. This analysis explores the dynamic banking industry, with a particular focus on the emergence and impact of digital tools on interactions between customers and banks. By analyzing data, including trends in digital banking practices and transactions, the study illustrates the transition to a more digitized financial environment. A central motif is the incorporation of Azerbaijani institutions into the worldwide financial system, which is being shaped by digital trends. A comprehensive analysis of transaction volumes, varieties, and methods is presented in the article, highlighting the increasing inclination towards digital banking as opposed to conventional banking. Additionally, a survey of banking practices is presented, with a particular focus on the growing prevalence of digital banking services. The study culminates in an analysis of the ways in which these developments may affect the future of the financial sector and the wider economy of Azerbaijan.

Ключевые слова: commercial banks, digital banking, banks in Azerbaijan, internet banking, mobile banking

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