Quality of innovation activity and its relationship with socio-economic development of the region

The article presents the results of researching the provisions of state regulatory documents defining the strategic goals of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and stimulating the development of innovation activity. The research revealed that, taking into account the strategic goals set by the Government to ensure the sustainability and independence of the national economy, the socio-economic development of the regions should be managed in an innovative style, with the predominant role of innovation. The research of the essence and structure of the innovation activity of the region from the point of view of its quality is being carried out, as a result the concept of «quality of innovation activity of the region» is proposed. The essence of this concept is revealed in relation to the socio-economic development of the region. It is proposed to consider the quality of innovation activity of the region as conformity to the parameters/norms of organizational excellence of the region, which is formed on the basis of real potential expectations of stakeholders. Groups of indicators of the quality of innovation activity of the region is formulated, including indicators of methodological support, organizational and economic indicators and indicators of digital development. The proposed groups of indicators will allow managing the quality of innovation activity of the region in order to increase the level of its socio-economic development for achieving the organizational excellence, on the way to which the quality of innovation activity is the basis.

Keywords: innovation activity, region, quality, sustainable development, socio-economic development, quality of innovation activity of the region


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