CCUS technologies: potential and limitations of the formation of the CO2 capture, storage and use sector in the Russian Federation

The aggravation of the climate agenda, the tasks of which have not yet been solved by mankind, is changing supranational and national legislation in the field of reducing emissions of climatically active gases, imposing obligations primarily on carbon-intensive sectors of the economy in order to implement energy transition and decarbonization of production and technological processes. As a key tool for ensuring carbon neutrality, policy makers and researchers call CCUS technologies (capture, transportation, storage and use of CO2), which have not yet received widespread commercial use primarily due to the high capital intensity and different levels of technological maturity of individual CCUS processes. However, many countries already have strategies for the development of CCUS technologies, not only design, but also use CO2 capture and storage to reduce emissions of CO2. The Russian Federation, having broad opportunities in the field of CCUS industry formation, has not yet developed a strategy for the development of the technologies in question, which at the same time would help to decarbonize carbon-intensive sectors and achieve climate neutrality of economic growth. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to systematize barriers and opportunities for the development of CCUS technologies for decarbonization of Russian carbon-intensive sectors, as well as an inter-country analysis of the institutional environment with the development of recommendations for the Russian Federation in the field of low of the formation of the CCUS industry. The object of special attention is the technological maturity of individual CCUS stages, their economic feasibility and the possibility of reducing the cost of CO2 capture and transportation. Thus, the study provides a guideline for future actions in the field of reducing CO2 emissions in order to preserve the long-term competitiveness of Russian carbon-intensive sectors in the context of a new energy transition and solving the problems of the climate agenda.

Keywords: climate agenda, CO2 emissions, CCUS technologies, decarbonization, technological maturity


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