Features of training highly qualified specialists in educational, scientific and industrial organizations of Russia

The article provides recommendations for two categories of participants in the process of preparing highly qualified personnel in higher education institutions, scientific organizations, and industrial enterprises in Russia: organizers and employees of graduate schools, as well as novice researchers who wish to present the results of their scientific research in the form of dissertations in the future. The goals and specifics of preparing highly qualified personnel, possible directions for increasing the prestige of education and activating work to increase the number of defenses are considered, as well as possible criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of graduate schools and doctoral studies of various departmental affiliations. In addition, the article examines issues related to choosing a scientific supervisor and a topic for dissertation research, the algorithm for conducting it, and the subsequent publication of scientific results

Keywords: highly qualified specialists, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, higher educational institutions, scientific organizations, industrial enterprises, dissertation research, scientific research results, efficiency of postgraduate studies, rating of scientific journals


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