Opportunities and barriers to innovative development of the sharing economy

In this study, in order to determine the opportunities and barriers to the innovative development of the sharing economy, four models of the formation of the sharing economy reflecting the areas of application of the mechanisms of the sharing economy at the present stage of development of digital technologies were identified; the development trends of the sharing economy, in particular, the spread of the sharing economy from transactional to transformational activities as well as and the market nature of the formation and spread of the sharing economy through the use of digital platforms has been substantiated. In order to determinate the directions of sharing economy development, the need to develop norms and rules at the enterprise level as well as the design of institutions at the government level is shown. It will permit integrating them into the present institutional environment. The paper present an algorithm for the implementation of this model in the enterprise, taking into account the transactional activities. Based on the identification of the stages of sharing economy development (including the informal stage, the stage of the spread of the sharing economy and the formal stage), which differ in the degree of regulation, a model of the sharing economy has been built. It shows correlation of these stages with the process of institutionalization of this type of activity. The results obtained can be used not only as a research basis for studying the process of forming models of a sharing economy, but also for an applied review of some aspects of institutional modeling of the digital and sharing economy

Keywords: sharing economy, transaction costs, institutions, algorithm, formal and informal institutions


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