Innovation and spatial structure of the US processing industry

Based on the use of theoretical and statistical material, the current trends in the spatial structure of the manufacturing industry, which have developed under the influence of the territorial forms of innovation in the United States, are identified and substantiated, the largest of which in terms of scale and systemic functionality is an innovative complex. By modeling the organizational and functional structure and external relations of this form, the essence of the modern integration of science, technology and high-tech production of the country is shown. The article considers the dependence of the industrial specialization of the manufacturing industry in individual US states on the territorial (regional) distribution of innovations, the processes of concentration and spatial localization of industrial R&D, expressed in various territorial combinations — innovative types of national industry development. As a result of the study, the following was revealed: a significant dependence between the volume of innovative products sold by the American manufacturing industries on the industrial R&D carried out; a high degree of concentration and territorial-sectoral localization of the constituent elements of the innovation system and the industrial complex of the United States

Keywords: innovation activity, territorial forms of innovation, innovation complex, research and development (R&D), manufacturing industry in the United States, concentration and localization of industrial R&D


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