На пути к вычислениям экзафлопсного класса

Ключевые слова:

Список использованных источников

1. Mark Hachman, March 25, 2013. World’s Most Powerful Private Supercomputer Will Hunt Oil, Gas. http://insights.dice. com/2013/03/25/worlds-most-powerful-private-supercomputerwill-hunt-oil-gas-2.
2. Компания Total выбрала SGI для модернизации суперкомпьютера Pangea. http://www.hpcwire.com/off-the-wire/sgi-selectedby-total-to-upgrade-pangea-supercomputer.
3. John Fitzpatrick is forming a company to make an Exaflop computer this year using 1000 megawatts of power, costing $50 billion and using Intel processors. http://nextbigfuture.com/2014/02/johnfitzpatrick- is-forming-company-to.html.
4. GPU and the Future of Parallel Computing, 2011. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/courses/spring12/CSCI-GA.3033-012/ieee-microechelon.
5. No Exascale for You!, An Interview with Berkeley Lab’s Horst Simon, May 15, 2013. http://www.hpcwire.com/2013/05/15/ no_exascale_for_you_an_interview_with_nersc_s_horst_simon.
6. http://gpu.cs.uct.ac.za/Slides/Echelon.pdf. 7. Scaling the Power Wall: A Path to Exascale, SC14, November 16-21, 2014, New Orlean.  https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/skeckler/pubs/SC_2014_Exascale.pdf.
8. Lessons Learned From the Analysis of System Failures at Petascale: The case of BlueWaters.https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece542/ sp2014/finalexam/papers/bluewaters.pdf.
9. Department of Energy Awards $425 Million for Next Generation Supercomputing Technologies, November 14, 2014. http://energy.gov/articles/department-energy-awards-425-million-nextgeneration-supercomputing-technologies.
10. Intel forges ahead to 10nm, will move away from silicon at 7nm, Feb 23, 2015. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/02/intel-forgesaheadto-10nm-will-move-away-from-silicon-at-7nm.
11. D. Chazan, W. Miranker. Chaotic relaxation, LinearAlgebra Appl. 2 (1969) 199– 222.
