Outlines of Russia’s Space Strategy

Currently, both Russia and the world system are at a bifurcation point. The previous trajectory associated with accelerated technological development and globalization, in the version promoted by the West, has lost its stability. It’s time to choose the direction of further movement. This fully applies to the space industry, which is an important part of our technosphere, a frontier of scientific research and an important tool for ensuring national security. Right now it is important to understand what we want and can achieve in 20 to 30 years, based on system analysis, mathematical modeling ideas and accumulated experience. The large-scale space activity programs of the leading countries are an important, but far from decisive argument in this context. The purpose of these notes is to outline the contours of the desired future of Russian space, to begin a meaningful discussion of this important topic. The Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca argued: “For a man who does not know which harbor he is heading for, no wind will be fair.” It’s time to discuss our destination port. The existing problems of space activity in Russia might be attributed to a number of reasons, which have a single axiological basis. Moreover, space activity worldwide is experiencing a lack of new development imperatives, acquiring an increasingly utilitarian character in comparison with the past of cosmonautics. This transformation is associated with a number of factors, one of which, general among all other reasons, is the lack of a strategic vision of the space industry. At the moment, in Russia there is no clear concept of a relatively long-term future of space activities in main strategic documents. The necessity to turn to space in order to achieve a number of goals and measurable problems in the space industry dictates the need to analyze the current state of the industry and make forecasts and recommendations for its further development. The article examines the space programs imperatives of several leading states and suggests the imperatives of future space research in Russia

Keywords: space activity, synergetics, attractive management, attractor, image of the future, space industry, space programs of the leading powers, Russian space activity prospects



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