Tukkel Iosif Lvovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
List of articles
- Seventh techno-economic paradigm: human and machine representations
- Innovation management: challenges and opportunities of digital transition
- Management of the organization of production of innovative products with changing user requirements
- Multidisciplinary innovation and technology consulting for digital business transformation
- The twentieth anniversary of the degree program in Innovations
- Digital transformation as an important part of innovative development
- «Smart» digitalization of local innovation ecosystems of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
- Models of the spread of innovations: from description to control of innovation processes
- Завтра, технологическое завтра, наступило вчера
- «Big challenges»: globalization or glocalization? Variability of the design strategies of scientific and technological development
- On the principles for the design of regional innovation ecosystems
- On the physical models of the spread of innovations in the socio-economic environmentинноваций в социально-экономической среде
- Innovation: theory and staffing of innovative activity
- The creation of a regional innovation system in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: design and implementation experience