Shcheglov Dmitriy Konstantinovich

Laboratory of Information Technologies «KB SM» PhD, Deputy Head of the settlement and Research Division - Head of Laboratory of Information Technologies «KB SM»
List of articles
- Project-based learning as an effective mechanism for preparing engineering personnel
- Innovative approach to the development of shock and vibration protection systems based on elastomeric energy-absorbing elements
- Analysis of the impact of marketing innovations on consumer loyalty formation in the passenger air transportation industry
- Formation of horizontal links mechanisms between university professors and industrial enterprise employees as the basis of the engineering personnel training system
- A multifaceted view of innovations in the field of collective lighting technology
- Features of training highly qualified specialists in educational, scientific and industrial organizations of Russia
- Engineering cases on astronautics as an effective tool of guidance vocational among high school children
- Features of the strategic development of scientific and educational activities at high-tech enterprises
- Topical issues of ensuring financing of measures for the conversion and diversification of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex
- Objectived indicator of security of electronic information resources of an innovative enterprise
- Experience in conducting interdisciplinary researches of development of production of civil products in the vertically integrated structures of the defense-industrial complex
- Introduction to the digital transformation of enterprises high-tech industry: new approaches
- Organizational and technical support for creating a virtual office in modern conditions of transferring employees to remote operation
- Experience in creating an integrated system of continuous professional education of engineering and technical workers for the enterprises of the of the defense-industrial complex
- Organization of the work of the marketing department at the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex under the diversification of industrial production
- Actual issues of improvement of the higher professional education system in the context of modern labor market requirements
- Assessing of the enterprise cooperation level in integrated organizational and production structures under conditions of diversification of manufacturing
- Problem issues of security hydrometeorological information the Arctic zone of Russia when solving the tasks its sustainable development
- Comprehensive analysis of influence of weatherclimate conditions on the operation of complex military-technical systems and facilities of the ground innovative infrastructure in the Russian Federation Arctic area
- The experience of infiltration of supercomputer technologies to educational process in technical universities
- The enterprise base department in the structure of higher education institution
- Design of innovcation development programm of the Federal space agency and space-rocket industry
- Some promising development trends of informational support of life cycle of complicated technical systems