Sergeev Sergey Mikhaylovich

Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics. PhD, associate professor
List of articles
- Substantiation of algorithms for artificial intelligence systems of digital logistics platforms for business process management
- Digitalization of business processes as a tool for technological development of the region
- Algorithmic stablecoins
- Innovative digital algorithms in commercial networks
- Application of digital twin technology in commercial networks
- Economic and mathematical substantiation of the stability of multidimensional transport systems
- Development of digital platforms for the functioning of logistics networks
- Modeling the epidemiological situation within the framework of the conceptual model of a smart city
- Digital educational technologies in the context of multidisciplinary convergence
- Promotion of innovative products based on planning consumer preferences
- Digital counterpart of the commercial conversion funnel
- Prediction of the market for educational services based on digital technologies
- Technology of ecological engineeringin the concept of the digital city
- Modeling sustainability of institutional investors on the basis of the valuation technique HYIP-projects
- Cross-functional modeling of intersection points to commercial chain
- Modeling of trade-manufacturing activity under innovation offers
- The Choice of Innovative Marketing Strategy of Enterprises Based on Economic and Mathematical Modeling