Putilov Aleksandr Valentinovich

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
List of articles
- Personnel support for the domestic nuclear industry in the context of the formation of national technological sovereignty
- Change of technological paradigms and formation of new businesses in the nuclear industry
- Innovative approach to the formation of complexes of control of the educational process on the economy of high technologies
- Innovative approaches to the formation of an economic management system for the implementation of Arctic development programs in the digital age
- Innovative possibilities of using the methodology of the «economic cross» in predicting the prospects of a two-component nuclear power industry
- Scientific and technological forecasting — a tool for evaluating the innovative development strategy of two-component nuclear power
- Staffing of knowledge management in innovation economy
- Analysis of the formation, the current state and prospects of development of the main participants in the global nuclear market innovation
- An innovative economy, innovative business education and innovation competence
- Technology platform in the engineering economics of industrial innovation and development of energy