Popov Evgeniy Vasilievich

doctor of economics, doctor of mathematics and physics, professor, Сhief scientific secretary of Ural Branch of Russian Scientific Academy, professor of Ural Federal University
List of articles
- Methodology for assessing the parameters of innovative activity on the basis of digital platforms
- Economic and technological configuration of digital platforms of innovative activity
- Ecosystem conversion strategy at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex
- Opportunities and barriers to innovative development of the sharing economy
- Stakeholder model of the region's innovation ecosystem
- Factor model for the development of innovative ecosystems
- Tools of institutional modeling for social innovation activity
- Impact of informal institutions on social innovation
- Specific characteristics of institutes of social and innovative activity
- Decentralization of econotronics transactions
- Evolutionary contour of development of social innovations
- An Assessment of readiness of the branches of Russian Federation for formation of digital economy
- Essence and typology of social innovations