Ohochinsky Mihail Nikitich

BSTU Laureate of the St.-PetersburgGovernment education prize, assistant professor
List of articles
- Methods of the atmosphere vertical probing. History and promising technical solutions
- Informational support of the developer in the international market of Hi-Tech products
- Application of a personality-oriented approach in the development of highly specialized automated information systems
- The «big project» of domestic rocket engineering. To the 75th anniversary of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR «Issues of jet weapons» (1946)
- Promising means of rescuing personnel from emergency zones
- The three aspects of creating of the partially-reusable launch vehicles
- Issues of selecting advanced launch vehicles
- Assess the feasibility of establishing international spaceport in Vietnam
- VOENMECH’S "rocket-building" department is system-building, forming the main directions in training missile specialists
- Logistical approach to the project of the russian moon base
- The russian aircraft carriers of the xxi century: logistic approach to the problem of creating
- Space activities in the Asia-Pacific region and aerospace industry of Russia
- The enterprise base department in the structure of higher education institution
- Design of innovcation development programm of the Federal space agency and space-rocket industry
- Competitive system monitoring and formation of a complex model of technical system by information from various sources