Monastyrnyy Evgeniy Aleksandrovich

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics. Doctor of Sciences (in Economics), Professor, Innovation Management Department
List of articles
- Interaction hurdles in the scientific and educational cluster (case of research institutes of Tomsk oblast)
- Choice of technologies for wood waste realization within the formation and the development of circular economy in the wood cluster
- High-tech industrial and services sectors in Tomsk region: analysis of data financial and statistic reporting for 2012-2016
- Integrated modeling of forest industries in the paradigm of sustainable development and the formation of a circular economy
- High-tech industrial and services sectors in Tomsk region: efficiency of development in the turbulent economy
- Federal law № 217 as a tool for development: small and micro enterprises in the regional innovation system of Tomsk region
- Analysis of development problems in the timber industry complex within the formation of circular economy on the example of the Tomsk Region
- An overview of innovative sector of Tomsk oblast economy (2006-2016) based on federal and regional statistical data
- The formation processes of the cluster of information technologies and electronics: key charachteristics of a mature innovative cluster
- Institutional models of the university in socio-economic systems
- Institutional models of the university in socio-economic systems
- Borrowing non-financial institutions: the case of innovation infrastructure in the Tomsk region
- Optimal proportions of R&D sector in Russia and its regions compared to foreign countries
- Foreign Investments as a Mechanism for the Russian Economy Development
- Optimal proportions of innovation systems of Russia and its regions
- Developing complex comprehensive models of socioeconomic systems: model of institutional functions for scientific and educational complexes (centers) to assess entrepreneurial universities
- Innovative sector of the (Tomsk) region in the period of economic recession
- The cluster «Information technologies and electronics in Tomsk region»
- Foreign Investments as a Mechanism for the Russian Economy Development
- Classification of Development Institutions
- Evaluating the Performance of Innovative Regions in Russia
- The Process of Constant Generation of Innovations in the Economic System. Formation of the Federal-Regional Innovation System in Russia