Mikitas Andrew V.

deputy director Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology
List of articles
- The first results of the mass pre-acceleration of the participants of the UMNIK program
- Young innovators support program «UMNIK»: cooperation with leading companies
- Improving the tools of FASIE for the development of small innovative entrepreneurship
- Strategic development of the Foundation in the context of national priorities
- The evolution of UMNIK program
- The program «Commercialization» — assistance in the creation or expansion of the production of high-tech products
- «Program «UMNIK»: improving state Young Innovators support mechanism
- Programme «Cooperation»: first up, then what?
- «Development-NTI» — a new competition to promote innovation fund for the implementation of the National Technology Initiative
- Methodical approach to quality management of hightech innovative projects in the social sphere
- The program «Commercialization» — assistance in the creation and expansion production of high-tech products
- High-tech projects in the social sphere — new initiatives Fund to promote innovation