Belskiy Aleksandr Borisovich

JSC Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant Doctor of sciences, member of «Techno- logical Safety» working group of Chairman of Military and Industrial Commission Council of experts, member of Russian Academy of Engineering, Deputy General Designer
List of articles
- Artificial intelligence as a tool of a new paradigm for a system of interaction at the stages of «development – production – operation» for the creating promising helicopter technology
- Innovative approaches and technologies for solving the problem of controlling the stiffness of the blades for implementation in promising rotary-wing aircraft
- Genomic monitoring of the individual, as a new innovative mechanism to ensure the healthy development of the people
- Russian Engineering Academy — clusters of life
- Innovative information and metrological technology monitoring and forecasting and the prevention of accidents of technogenic objects
- Systematization of approaches to complex solution for helicopter flight safety increase
- Innovative mechanisms for implementation of demands for flight safety enhancement