This study begins a series of articles on modern tools for the modernization of higher education, which was developed at the Nizhny Novgorod State
Technical University n. a. R. E. Alekseev (NSTU). The article presents a model for managing the innovative potential of a region that includes the possibility of
regulating regional markets for educational services, labor, benefits, innovative projects and innovations using the powerful potential of a technical university.
The supply of prepared applicants in the market of educational services is ensured by the introduction of career guidance programs, and the demand for them
is ensured by the correction of the range of educational areas. The supply of trained specialists is formed in universities by highly qualified teachers, and the
demand for them is formed by enterprises and organizations, taking into account the requirements of the digital economy based on professional standards.
The supply in the market of goods is formed by enterprises of the real sector of the economy using the personnel potential prepared by the educational system
of the region, and the demand in this market is formed by the population. The proposal of innovative projects for their commercialization and subsequent
diffusion is ensured by the introduction of university programs «Preaccelerator» and «Accelerator», which include the basics of technological entrepreneurship
and the preparation of startup projects. Stimulating the demand for innovative projects from industrial enterprises, as well as the subsequent supply of finished
innovative products from their side, is carried out by using the tools of innovative monitoring and innovative audit, which provide a survey of enterprises
in the region with the subsequent development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of innovative activity. The article proposes two options for
implementing the management of innovative potential. The first, adaptive option, allows you to adjust the regional innovation system depending on changes
in internal and external factors. In the second, proactive version, the technical university becomes the driver of the socio-economic and cultural development
of the region, the regulator of supply and demand in the innovation market. The final part of the article presents the results of the introduction of new tools
for managing the region's innovative potential at NSTU.
Keywords: scientific and educational industrial cluster, personnel potential of the region, supply and demand in the innovation market, project acceleration, innovation audit.
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