Innovations №8 / 2019
- Innovations and economic growth
- The economic breakthrough strategy: how it was accomplished 90 years ago
- Innovative solutions for economic development: foreign experience of the world forums
- Scientific and technological forecasting — a tool for evaluating the innovative development strategy of two-component nuclear power
- Estimating the trends of remote pollution of the atmosphere when planning spatial development of Russia
- Financial and institutional model as a tool for analyzing the state support for engineering projects
- Choosing knowledge management methods and tools considering specific domain
- Growth factors of russian pharmaceutical companies
- Analysis of prerequisites for the formation of supersonic passenger air transport and aircraft markets
- Assessing of the enterprise cooperation level in integrated organizational and production structures under conditions of diversification of manufacturing
- India: social component of innovation policy
- Technique for quantitative assessment of similarity degree of trademarks
- Digital transformation: personnel subsystems of management of the industrial enterprises innovative development
- Software system for multi-level the IT projects management