Innovations №12 / 2019
- The twentieth anniversary of the degree program in Innovations
- Specialists in innovation as analytics of digital transformation (example of the development of future transport systems)
- Approach to education in frames of the digital economy challenges (on example of teaching for the project-based activities)
- Formation of a professionally oriented education in the Innovation area in resource-supplying regions. An example of the Siberian federal university
- Development of higher education «Innovation» at the department of innovation management SUM
- Development of the direction 27.03.05 «Innovation» at the Kazan national research technological university
- Change of approaches to the training of specialists in innovation management in accordance with modern trends (experience of Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university)
- «Innovation» as an educational service in the economic university
- Features of teaching the discipline «Tools of intellectual property protection» within the direction 27.04.05 «Innovatika» in St. Petersburg polytechnic university
- The current state and prospects of innovative development of the Tomsk region
- A local mathematical model of a preparing data for comparing innovative objects
- Технология ментальных и функциональных репрезентаций как первый этап концептуализации и реализации комплексных научных знаний в инновационных процессах
- Assessing the prospects of an innovative project using a real put option
- Artificial Intelligence in the management of innovation projects
- Management and implementation of innovation project outcomes under environment dynamics and project diffusion
- Issues on management automation for enterprise innovative development
- Key approaches for determining the role of patent analytics in innovation management
- Evolution of the international science and technology cooperation: global trends and russian policies
- Statistics of publication activity of performers of the federal targeted programme for Research and development in priority areas of development of the Russian scientific and technological complex for 2014-2020
- High-tech industrial and services sectors in Tomsk region: efficiency of development in the turbulent economy